Membership Welcome Event

Dec 10, 2024
Find Your Flock
Membership Welcome Event
Tuesday, December 10th 7:30 - 8:30am
Graves Foundation, 2929 Chicago Ave, Ste 100, Minneapolis
Now more than ever, it's time to find your people, your flock, your tribe. We are a small but mighty Rotary Club who is making big contributions to our South Minneapolis neighborhood and in the lives of our exchange students from all across the world.
If you are looking for a way to connect, contribute and get involved, we might be the folks for you.
What is the South Minneapolis Rotary Club? We are a group of like-minded people who meet every Tuesday morning at the above location (Zoom is also available) from 7:30-8:30 am who want to help create positive change in the world. On Tuesday, December 10th, we are hosting a special morning program for YOU! (and people like you who are interested in finding out what Rotary is all about.)
Along with our meetings, we plan and participate in projects throughout the year as well. We are right now planning our service projects for 2025 so we'd love your input! The following is a list of the projects we have in the works along with some that we are considering:
* Rotary Youth Exchange - our club hosts one to two exchange students each year. We function as support, friends and sometimes host families.
* Strive - a program through Roosevelt High School that works with students who need support in figuring out what's next for them after high school. Scholarship funds are granted for one to two students at the close of each year.
* Midtown Global Market Story Project - in an effort to lift up the stories of the vendors and restaurateurs inside the Market, our story project will work to amplify their stories through a hosted website and QR codes throughout the space. Customers will then be able to find out the personal story and meaning behind the meal they are experiencing or items they are purchasing.
* Midtown Greenway - Adopt A Greenway, provide financial support along with biannual cleanup efforts. (under consideration)
And while we appreciate chickens and sometimes like to pet them, there are no chickens who belong to our Rotary Club. (But we are not above using them to get your attention.)